Creating Calendars & Special Days Mini Bulletin Board by TREND enterprises

Teacher Products from Trend we recommend:T-8714 Calendar & Special Days MiniBulletin Board SetT-8706 Alpha-Beads Monthly Headers Mini Bulletin Board SetT-85078 People of the World Bolder Borders®T-18015 People of the World Monthly Calendar GridT-72326 Share the Similarities… NotePadT-79755 Alpha-Beads 4″ Playful Ready Letters® Additional resources:Fadeless paper and double-stick tape. Keep the theme going:T-10817 Weather Symbols MiniAccents … Read more

Christian Trimmer Faith Frames Activity Ideas by TREND enterprises

Discuss the theme of the design you would like to create with your class. Use your imagination. Decide how much white trimmer is needed for a picture frame. Have stickers and other decorating materials available to share. Divide the trimmer into four equal lengths. Fill the trimmer with stickers, bold colors, and bright designs. Collaborate … Read more

Accent Symmetry Activity Ideas for the classroom by TREND enterprises

Materials Needed:• TREND symmetrical Classic Accents®• Scissors or paper cutter• White construction paper• Glue sticks• Crayons, markers, or colored pencils Directions:During a math unit on symmetry, use this fun and artistic project to help students understand the meaning of symmetry. Select Classic Accents® that are symmetrical in design. Several different designs will allow students a … Read more

Creative Ideas with Accents by TREND enterprises

Back-to-School Class Quilt(Use T-10906 Puzzle Pieces CLASSIC ACCENTS® Variety Pack)Create unity with a classroom quilt. Invite students to write interesting facts about themselves on their “quilt block” puzzle pieces. Mount student photos in the middle of each quilt block. Piece together to enjoy year-round. Math Word Wall(Use T-10906 Puzzle Pieces CLASSIC ACCENTS® Variety Pack)Encourage long-term … Read more

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Teacher resources specially designed for grades PreK-9. We at TREND want to help make your job an easy, successful experience. Throughout our catalog, you'll find age-appropriate, content-rich products that will inspire learning and set students on the path to achievement. You'll also find new, creative ideas to keep kids engaged in thought the school year.

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