Let’s Choose A Pumpkin Song for Fall
By: Jodie Flint & Daniela Vasquez
Tune: “Farmer in the Dell”
Let’s Choose A Pumpkin Song
Let’s choose a pumpkin.
Oh, let’s choose a pumpkin.
Heigh-ho! Fall is here!
Let’s choose a pumpkin.
Choose one big and round.
Oh, choose one big and round.
Heigh-ho! Fall is here!
Choose one big and round.
Choose one short and fat.
Oh, Choose one short and fat.
Heigh-ho! Fall is here!
Choose one short and fat.
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WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
Choose one tall and thin.
Oh, Choose one tall and thin.
Heigh-ho! Fall is here!
Choose one tall and thin.
Choose one small and bumpy.
Oh, Choose one small and bumpy.
Heigh-ho! Fall is here!
Choose one small and bumpy.
Now we’ll take them home.
Oh, now we’ll take them home.
Heigh-ho! Fall is here!
Now we’ll take them home.
This activity and many more may be found in Frog Street Press – FST519 Quick & Easy Big Books for Fall.