Brown vs. Board of Education Grades 5-9
Activity: Middle Grades
The Supreme Court decision in the case of Brown vs. Board of Education was just one event in the long struggle for civil rights. Thurgood Marshall and many others fought for equality over many years.
Use information in the video clip to place events on the Civil Rights timeline below. The first one is done for you. Then do additional research on the Internet. Add other civil rights events and milestones. Be sure to include a date for each event you list.
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The Struggle for Civil Rights
Thurgood Marshall successfully argues the Brown vs. Board of Education case before the Supreme Court, making it illegal to segregate schools.
In Plessy vs. Ferguson, the Supreme Court rules that racial segregation is legal.
Oliver Brown tries to enroll his daughter Linda in an all-white school in Topeka, KS.
The 14th Amendment is passed to protect the rights of African American citizens.