STECK-VAUGHN SCHOOL SUPPLY Language Arts Handbook Grade 6 SV-38921
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Grade: 6th
Brand: Steck-Vaughn
Secondary Brand: Steck-Vaughn School Supply Harcourt School Supply
UPC: 10111093471
Introducing the complete resource/reproducible for language arts! This comprehensive, all-in-one handbook of reproducibles provides activities on every aspect of language arts skills. Each book’s grade-appropriate content and organization are easy to follow and thorough in scope.Parts of speech and grammar.
Sentences (parts, kinds, combining).
Capitalization & punctuation.
Kinds of writing (story, poem, letter, invitation, book report, etc.).
Paragraphs (informative, descriptive, persuasive, opinion).
Comprehension (classifying, cause/effect, paraphrasing, summarizing, author’s viewpoint, and more).
Vocabulary and usage (synonyms, homographs, abbreviations, affixes, and more).
Critical thinking (resource materials, research).
Bibliography, dictionary skills, library skills, outlining, and more!
Special Notes:
6-Book Reproducible Series
128 perforated pages
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