Teacher Store > TEACHER CREATED RESOURCES > TEACHER CREATED RESOURCES Comprehension & Critical Thinking Level 5 TCM3375

TEACHER CREATED RESOURCES Comprehension & Critical Thinking Level 5 TCM3375


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SKU: TCM3375 Category:

Grade: 5th
Secondary Brand: Teacher Created Materials
UPC: 78628471137
ISBN: 743933753


Use these step-by-step guides to build students’ comprehension and critical thinking skills as they prepare for standardized tests that feature document-based questions. Step 1 has students reading high-interest nonfiction articles from TIME For Kids authors. Step 2 has students strengthening comprehension skills by responding to follow-up questions from all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Step 3 has students studying primary source documents (such as maps, census reports, population reports, charts, and graphs) that are related to the articles. Step 4 has students demonstrating critical thinking skills by responding to questions based on these primary sources. All of the articles, primary source documents, and questions are included as reproducible pages. These lessons are easy-to-use and effective.

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