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SKU: SEP51437 Category:

Brand: Shell Education
UPC: 9781425814373


Expand fourth grade students’ knowledge base and prepare them for Next Generation Assessments by incorporating these engaging, rigorous practice exercises into their daily learning. Higher-level questions, multi-step problems, and higher-order thinking skills required on these tests will take a lot of practice before students can become comfortable with the test. By implementing this resource into instruction, students will expand their skill set and be given the necessary tools needed to excel on these assessments. Featuring TIME FOR KIDS? content, this resource offers experience with questions similar to those that appear on today’s assessments and includes ten high-interest informational texts, four engaging literature passages, three poems, and three reader’s theater scripts; 16 as standalone exercise texts and two sets of paired exercise texts. Each text incorporates: questions for key ideas and details, craft and structure, integration of knowledge and ideas, and one or two constructed response questions based on technology-enhanced questions on the real tests. Not only will students enjoy preparing for assessments through these exercises, educators will feel fulfilled knowing they’re setting their students up for 21st century success.

Additional information

Weight 0.75 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 11 × 8.5 in

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