Teacher Store > Scholastic Teacher Resources > SCHOLASTIC TEACHING RESOURCES Science: Internet Scavenger Hunts (Internet Made Easy) SC-0439138469

SCHOLASTIC TEACHING RESOURCES Science: Internet Scavenger Hunts (Internet Made Easy) SC-0439138469


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SKU: SC-0439138469 Category:

Grade: 4th - 8th
Brand: Scholastic Teacher Resources
Secondary Brand: Scholastic
UPC: 71641160019
ISBN: 439138469


Where can you find thorough and up-to-date information about space exploration, caves, and dinosaurs? The Internet, of course! Reproducible worksheets filled with reading-comprehension questions and graphic organizers guide students to gather information about exciting science topics, such as sharks, carnivorous plants, roller-coaster physics, the ocean, and more. A perfect way to boost students’ learning and Internet research skills! 64 pages 8-1/2″ x 11″ Grades 4-8

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