Teacher Store > Scholastic Teacher Resources > SCHOLASTIC TEACHING RESOURCES 50 Fill-In Math Word Problems Time & Measurement Gr 2-3 SC-9780545074834

SCHOLASTIC TEACHING RESOURCES 50 Fill-In Math Word Problems Time & Measurement Gr 2-3 SC-9780545074834


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SKU: SC-9780545074834 Category:

Brand: Scholastic Teacher Resources


Engaging Story Problems for Students to Read, Fill-in, Solve, and Sharpen Their Math Skills

By Bob Krech

These “mad lib” worksheets are instant math motivators! Each hilarious fill-in story gives kids a fun way to practice solving word problems and build time and measurement skills. Skill topics correlate to the NCTM standards and include standard and metric length, perimeter, area, weight, liquid measures, and time to the hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour (including elapsed time) Perfect for partner and small-group learning, day starters, or homework.

64 pages 8-1/2″ x 11″
Grades 2-3

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