Teacher Store > NEWMARK LEARNING > NEWMARK LEARNING Math Visual Learning Guides Gr 5 NP-635001

NEWMARK LEARNING Math Visual Learning Guides Gr 5 NP-635001


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Use Visual Learning Methods to Improve Student Performance!

Help your students make connections, understand relationships and recall related details using visual learning techniques. Each collection consists of 10 laminated, “write-on/wipe-off guides. Each guides covers a different topic and includes 4 panels –

* Panel 1 features an illustrated overview of the concept
* Panel 2 includes labeling & review exercises
* Panel 3 presents a vocabulary activity
* Panel 4 provides assessment & review questions

Also includes a Teacher Guide and a Classroom Presentation/Assessment CD featuring 750 illustrated, interactive flash cards for use on a computer or Interactive Whiteboard. Provides comprehensive coverage of the following curriculum topics –

1. Collecting & Displaying Data
2. Multiplying & Dividing Decimals
3. Measurement: Time & Temperature
4. Multiplying & Dividing Fractions
5. Ratio, Proportion & Percent
6. Operations with Mixed Numbers
7. Introduction to Algebra
8. Probability Concepts
9. Congruence, Transformation & Symmetry
10. Lines, Angles & Circles

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