Teacher Store > Learning Resources > LEARNING RESOURCES Food Group Magnetic Tabletop Pocket LER6503

LEARNING RESOURCES Food Group Magnetic Tabletop Pocket LER6503


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SKU: LER6503 Category:

Brand: Learning Resources
UPC: 0765023065039


This fun DVD program helps native Spanish speakers build success in learning English. Learners hear words and phrases spoken in Spanish followed by English. They gain confidence by progressing from very easy to more complex. Catchy songs and colorful action keep learners focused and allow independent practice. Covers greetings, survival phrases, school conversations, subject pronouns, and much more.
Approx. 54 minutes. Ages 6 & up.

?Estas pegajosas canciones te har?n hablar ingl?s en un instante! Aprender?s con facilidad palabras y frases completas para poder llevar a cabo una conversaci?n. Nuestros divertidos y din?micos presentadores entretienen y motivan a los estudiantes de todas las edades. Las respuestas se entregan a un ritmo que te permite verificar f?cilmente tu propio progreso. ?An?mate a aprender! Ahora s?, Let’s Rock `N Learn!

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