HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT Reading Comprehension Grade 6 SV-23616
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Brand: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Secondary Brand: Steck-Vaughn School Supply
Reading Comprehension Grade 6
Practice with a wide variety of genres prepares students to apply their comprehension skills in the real world. Letters, functional documents, informative nonfiction, and analytical documents are just a few of the text types students will encounter on tests and in life. Reading Comprehension Across the Genres uses clear student-friendly lessons and a variety of text types to enable successful independent practice; the unique five-step format promotes critical thinking and provides opportunities for extending the text through writing, listening, speaking, or viewing.
Reading Comprehension Across the Genres also includes:
– Cross-curriculum links chart to quickly identify exercises that connect to your instructional needs
– Graphic organizers to encourage students to interact with the text
– Bound-in answer key that puts complete teacher support at your fingertips