Teacher Store > Guidecraft > GUIDECRAFT USA Nordic Rocker GD-6434

GUIDECRAFT USA Nordic Rocker GD-6434


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SKU: GD-6434 Category:

Brand: Guidecraft


86 pieces, 14 shapes. 43 lbs. Guidecraft smooth unit blocks are made to resist dents and dings. You’ll notice the finely sanded and rounded to eliminate any sharp edges, and are splinter-free to protect tender young hands. All our blocks are guaranteed for life. Method of shipping is UPS Standard. Material: Hardwood. Traffic Signs and Cars are not included.
Blocks are incredibly versatile. You can make anything with blocks. And you can use anything as blocks: books, cushions, even plastic food containers. Which make them the perfect toy choice for a home environment where space is at a premium.

So, what does your child learn from blocks?

Motor Skills:
Block play is all about eye-hand coordination and visual perception. Want to take it up a notch? Stack soft blocks or cushions as high as your preschooler can jump over them. Make an obstacle course or maze with blocks, and then knock a ping pong ball along the course with a golf club or clean fly swatter.

You can pattern blocks by shape or color. Blocks can be used as units of measure. It’s easy to see how a 6-block-high tower is taller than a 4-block-high one.

You can demonstrate levers and inclined planes with blocks. One of our favorite science experiments involved making different types of block buildings on a movable table and then creating an “earthquake”, observing which types of buildings sustained the least damage.

Write up traffic signs to use in a block neighborhood.

Blocks are perfect for dramatization and role play. You can create props by gluing pictures to blocks or cereal boxes. Issue a challenge such as building an airport or a dream house.

Life Skills:
There is something so satisfying about the THUNK when you toss a block into its container. Set up a basket for each type of block and sort the blocks at the end of playtime for some great clean-up practice. By GUIDECRAFT USA

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