Teacher Store > Frank Schaffer Publications > FRANK SCHAFFER PUBLICATIONS Classroom Helpers Division Drill, Gr. 3 FS-194129

FRANK SCHAFFER PUBLICATIONS Classroom Helpers Division Drill, Gr. 3 FS-194129


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SKU: FS-194129 Category:

Grade: 3rd
Brand: Frank Schaffer Publications
Secondary Brand: McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing - Frank Schaffer Publications
UPC: 17257941291
ISBN: 768208300


The Classroom Helpers series offers a new spin on skill-specific learning. Based on Frank Schaffer’s Homework Helpers, these books challenge and engage young learners with fun activities that build basic skills in math an language arts. The content throughout the series represents the most requested topics from teachers. Use the activities for classroom work or for homework assignments and watch your students gain confidence from these grade-appropriate exercises. Pages: 24

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