Teacher Store > Frank Schaffer Publications > FRANK SCHAFFER PUBLICATIONS Basic Skills: The Test Connection – Author’s Purpose, Grade 6 FS-99191

FRANK SCHAFFER PUBLICATIONS Basic Skills: The Test Connection – Author’s Purpose, Grade 6 FS-99191


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SKU: FS-99191 Category:

Grade: 6th
Brand: Frank Schaffer Publications
Secondary Brand: McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing - Frank Schaffer Publications
UPC: 651468828660
ISBN: 742418669


Learning how to identify the purpose of a reading selection is a skill that helps develop strong, inquisitive readers. Students must be able to read a selection and determine the author’s purpose using key words, statements, opinions, or facts presented. The selections in Author’s Purpose–The Test Connection utilize a variety of genres to practice the skill of identifying author’s purpose. Poetry, fables, legends, invitations, biographies, newspaper articles, as well as other fiction and nonfiction articles can all be found in this reproducible 48-page book. Each selection is followed by thought-provoking questions that test students’ ability to read beyond the text. Students are asked to find evidence from the selections to support their answers. At the end of the book you will find a Sample Test and Answer Sheet you can use to sharpen your students’ standardized test-taking skills. As a class, discuss successful test-taking strategies, then put the strategies to work using the Sample Test. Pages: 48

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